I wasn't even playing; I was just turning pages for Bob, the extraordinary pianist of the Trio Cabrillo. It was a long program, an hour and three-quarters, not counting intermission. Lots of it went so fast it was all I could do to keep up. I was so pumped up, it took hours to get to sleep that night.
You learn a lot about a pianist when you turn pages. Most of this I already knew about Bob, having turned for him several times, but I want to note these traits of his for the benefit of pianists who welcome performance tips.
1. He cares more about the work he is playing than about himself, the person playing it.
2. He is even-tempered, which makes people like working with him.
3. He has done his homework. He knows the music.
4. If he makes a mistake, he doesn't let it throw him.
5. He is not afraid of making a mistake. He doesn't make excuses.
6. He is willing to take risks.
7. When he plays, you feel that he wants every note; every phrase is beautiful.
8. He doesn't complain about the piano, even when to the observer the piano seems less than grateful.
9. He doesn't complain about the page turner, even when she doesn't notice the repeat sign.
(Photo is Bob playing the Saint-Saƫns piano concerto with the Coastside Community Orchestra)